The Perfect Flight Plan

Flight pilot Phil Peters

Aircraft pilots receive a flight plan about an hour before the scheduled departure time. That’s not a lot of time to prepare for a flight and there’s always an amount of pressure prior to the departure to get all the essentials taken care of before the doors are closed and the engines get started.

I give the pilot analogy because I’m familiar with it and because it’s kind of a picture of life. For everyone planning to fly through 2020 on schedule, we have seen some delays, stormy weather, maintenance issues and hoped for flights cancelled. What I want to emphasize is our schedule and plan is just that – it’s ours.

There is One who builds the flight route, the financier, the owner and creator. To Him, our Lord we must be accountable to and submitted to believing that He has the ultimate best plan. This year our family has seen some setbacks: loss of work/income, a broken wrist requiring significant surgery, limited fellowship with believers, a heart attack requiring a procedure and a wedding delayed due to COVID.

These setbacks have a physical cost that is very real to us. I see it as turbulence, a few malfunctions, a sick crew member, or ground delays. The flight plan may have been amended, the routing may be different than we expected, and we may even have to make an unexpected tech stop en route.

In the midst of it all, we are incredibly privileged to be given the opportunity to be a fellow crew member in the CIAM Media mission family, serving together with gifted coworkers in the faith. What an amazing God we serve! All praise and glory to Him!

What is certain is that the Lord knows our beginnings and he knows our present circumstances. More than that, He guides us along through every storm, so that we are focused on landing safely at His destination. He provides us competent fellow crew members who are trained and equipped to face emergencies. He entrusts many passengers into our care and safety.

Like a veteran Air Traffic Controller, the Holy Spirit, when listened to, is guiding us away from danger and giving sound instruction when clouds and fog block our vision.

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13 

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