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God Opens Doors

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Ben’s role at CIAM Media involves writing, editing and filming short documentaries, interviews, and visual stories that tell and share the purpose of CIAM.

Ben Thompson’s Faith Journey 2023

Currently as I look towards the end of the year for 2023 I spent time reflecting on how God has moved and worked through me and through this ministry, answering prayer. As I look back upon the year, God used many people to come alongside myself as volunteers to help share the Gospel and help share His ministry.

This year I had the opportunity to film multiple videos, and even filmed some of those within my own church for CIAM and for TheChoice. God has created many wonderful opportunities, working with bigger teams and working with a lot of volunteers, to create something of a higher caliber than we originally expected. There have been challenges, where God has closed doors on certain opportunities, but it has helped us rely on Him when the future feels uncertain. Through this ministry God has shown that he provides: first, the people, and moreover, He also opens doors when we expect them to be closed!

God is currently leading and coming alongside me this season by equipping me with a better understanding of how I should execute my decisions, ideas and plans so that we’re can be a more efficient team and have a clear cut process of producing videos in ministry.

Currently I’m in a season of prayer for provision when it comes to funding for these projects, and funding for myself, so I can give more of my time and more of my energy solely to sharing the Gospel through the medium of filmmaking.

The Choice

The Crew from “TheChoice: Circles” video

In the first TheChoice video filmed in February this year, we partnered with my home Church TheMet to film inside on location with a bunch of the young adults as volunteering actors. Personally I found that it was a huge success partnering with my church and partnering with the local christian community that I’m from. We created something that’ll help share the gospel, which is a joyous occasion.

For the second video that we filmed this year for The Choice, it was around the mentorship platform, 1-&-1. It was very heartwarming to see that level of connection through what we’re filming. The actors coming together, they didn’t know each other that well at first, but it wasn’t long before they were all laughing and hugging each other. It was this moment where we saw on set how we’re talking about TheChoice as a platform that will be building connections, and then that actually happened on set.

Luckily we were able to have the opportunity to partner with an animator named Sted to create a lovely animation video that will also be part of the process of showcasing what TheChoice is.

CIAM’s 20th Anniversary

In the middle part of the year we were able to create and finish the 20-year anniversary video for CIAM Radio and just show what the missionary and volunteer teams are currently doing, what they have been doing for the past 20 years, and the direction for the future in the years to come.

Would you consider partnering with me?

Currently I am in a season where I am searching for more support, especial from those in my own community. Looking to work more part time for CIAM and not have seasons where I have to divide my focus from ministry to secular video work. Please consider coming alongside me in this endeavour, and supporting the mission of sharing the Gospel. You will get updates and sneak peaks into my role as a media missionary bringing the Good News to Canada and beyond!

To God be the glory!
Ben Thompson
[email protected]