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Letting the Lord Lead

  • Reading time:3 mins read

Walter’s Faith Journey

Walter and his late wife, Grace (d.2013), were both NCEM (Northern Canada Evangelical Mission) MKs and as adults became full time NCEM missionaries. In 2008 they became involved with CIAM and Victory FM. That year a tower was put up in their yard and Victory FM went on air. In 2010, along with our two school aged children, they joined CIAM. Walter officially began what has been a ten plus year ministry of technical development and support for CIAM. Later, with Grace’s help, a studio was set up in downtown Prince Albert and a second frequency, 107.1, was set up.

In 2016 Aileen made a temporary move from Ontario to Saskatchewan on her way to serve with NCEM in Fort Liard, NWT. During a trip to Edmonton she was asked if she could deliver a transmitter to Victory FM in Prince Albert. That was when Aileen and Walter met briefly. Aileen moved to Fort Liard in January, 2017.

Over the next months the Lord worked to bring them together. They were married in December 2017 and have since served together with CIAM. Walter continues to monitor the stations and does what needs to be done to keep them on air. He is involved in ongoing development projects, does lots of computer coding, and sometimes does hands on maintenance and set ups. Walter has also continued to be actively involved with Victory FM as a board member.

In 2020 they had the joy of going to Fort Liard to set up a tower and establish a broadcast there. They have just recently purchased the former NCEM mission house that the tower is attached to and are looking forward to moving there. Their daughter will remain in Saskatchewan. She is serving with NCEM as a short term missionary. Their son will come with us to Fort Liard. Walter’s technical work will continue and they are looking forward to the added opportunities the Lord will bring about to serve Him and make His name known in Fort Liard.

We thank the Lord for the faithful prayers and support of God’s people. Please continue to pray for us as we move forward and continue to serve.