Harvest 102.5 FM 2023 Devotional

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Opportunities and Challenges

This year has been a year full of opportunities and challenges for Harvest FM. We have faced ongoing technical issues on the broadcast tower site in Taber; from lightning strikes, damaged antennas, transmitters and interference due to ice buildup that even shut down the broadcast. It is in times
like this that we need to trust the Lord fully and come together as a community to support one another.

We are thankful to the CIAM team who together with the local Harvest team and electricians, Jared and Curtis, have worked endlessly to find a permanent solution to this frustrating problem. After countless tower climbs we were close to giving up! However God sent James, an experienced antenna and broadcast engineer, our way all the way from Edmonton and willing to help. Praise God for His guidance and for answered prayers.

We were able to do a full broadcast & tower analysis to come up with a God-given solution that we trust will give longterm broadcast stability. For God all things are possible! We would also appreciate your prayers as many of our Harvest team members and volunteers faces health challenges.

We are seeking community leaders and volunteers to serve with the Harvest FM team in the Taber/Lethbridge area with a heart for sharing the Gospel. If you’d like to be involved, please let us know and we would gladly tell you more. It has also been an encouragement to hear from listeners that have been impacted by the music and teachings from the Harvest FM.

Truly, we couldn’t do this without you and your generous support and prayers. We praise God for all the prayers and generous gifts, of your
time and finances, which have made it possible for Harvest 102.5 FM to continue to share the Hope of Christ over the airwaves in Southern Alberta. We look forward to serve the Lord with you in 2024.

May God have all the honour and glory!

Click Below to read more stories, updates and devotionals in the 2023/2024 Annual CIAM Newsletter

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